Back Pain Treatment

Regenerative Treatments for Back Pain & Injury

Our treatments of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), medical graded oxygen/ozone, and biologics repair damaged backs and heal the root cause of back pain

 Commonly Treated Back Conditions

  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sports injuries
  • Sacroiliac Joint Disease
  • Bulging Disc

Dangers of Back Surgery

-Back surgery failure rates can range from 19 to 46%

-Steroids and pain pills cover up back pain and worsen disc degeneration over time

Regenerative Healing Injections for Back Pain

Our patients want to avoid back surgery or already had back surgery and don't want to get cut open again.  With regenerative therapy healing occurs at the ligaments and tendons along the spine that are no longer keeping the spine stable.  Without healing these soft tissues no amount of chiropractic, PT, or steroids will fix the problem (until the ligaments and tendons are repaired). 

After therapy most patients are able to return to work and most activities immediately.  Regenerative therapy greatly reduces the need for physical therapy, saving you time and money.

Call today to see if you are a candidate for our back pain treatments


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