One Natural Health is a stem cell clinic merging regenerative medicine with cutting-edge therapies of bone marrow-derived stem cells, umbilical donated tissue, and platelet rich plasma PRP. Treatments provide patients the best alternative to surgery for chronic orthopedic conditions and sports injuries.
Stem cells are gathered by a tiny sample of bone marrow from the patient’s pelvis. The sample includes platelets and mesenchymal stem cells. The sample is put through a medical process that separates the platelets and stem cells from other pieces. These bone marrow stem cells are then put in the injured body part.
PRP therapy is used in conditions that are more minor than severe including:
Learn more about PRP Therapy
Injections with needles have a very rare risk of infection, bleeding, or aggravating nerves. Risk of an allergic reaction is near impossible as stem cells and PRP are from your own body. One Natural Health combines all injections with ozone therapy, an anti-infective medical molecule that minimizes injection discomfort and quickens the healing process.
A stem cell therapy not as strong as bone marrow stem cells and less researched, so it is currently not performed at our clinic until further research proves it an ideal therapy.
While adipose-derived stem cells hold promise in the field of regenerative medicine, they are mainly used as supportive needs to strengthen bone marrow stem cell and PRP therapy and research has not yet proven that fat stem cells are a strong enough stand alone treatment.
To make stem cell therapy affordable we charge only $4500 for a single joint (which includes follow up and supportive therapies) and treat multiple joints for a small extra fee. Most clinics as of 2025 charge between 5000 to 10000 for a single joint. Call to see if you are a candidate for stem cell therapy or our comprehensive
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