PRP Therapy

Experts in PRP

Platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) is a regenerative treatment using healing parts from the patient's own blood sample fixing orthopedic injuries, arthritic joints, and pain.

Our unique Comprehensive PRP therapy is combined with medical oxygen and ozone that reduces post session discomfort, has faster time back to physical activity, and allows larger areas to be treated in a single session leading to superior results.

Methods Of PRP Therapy

Platelet Rich Plasma with Ozone - Most Common Treatment

We treat the joint, supporting tendons, ligaments, muscles, and nerves with PRP from your own blood and medical grade oxygen/ozone

A2M Platelet Rich Plasma with Ozone - Premium Results

-Ultra-filtered PRP for patients with advanced arthritis and older athletes

When PRP's Not the best therapy -

    1.  A fresh injury or small pain can be treated with medical oxygen/ozone therapy only,

              2. Biologics of either Umbilical Tissue or Stem Cell Therapy are best for certain patients such as bone on bone joints, the quickest path to healing, and other cases

Patient Testimonial - PRP Therapy -

"My shoulder was hurting so bad. I tried chiropractor treatments, maybe it helped and maybe not, but after that I called Daniel. We did PRP in the shoulder and it made a difference right away" - Diane

Conditions for PRP

PRP is effective in joint and musculoskeletal conditions.  PRP stimulates collagen production, cell growth and regeneration to reduce inflammation and pain during the healing period.

Shoulder PRP

Rotator Cuff Tears, Arthritis, AC joints, and tendinitis are Prime candidates for PRP.  Shoulders heal faster than larger joints and healing is significant even in full thickness rotator tears.

Knee Osteoarthritis PRP

Osteoarthritis results from old knee injuries, where cartilage is worn away and the knee loses its natural cushion.  This makes the knee joint stiff, swollen, and painful with less range of motion.  We have saved many knees that other clinics thought needed a knee replacement, for bone on bone knees ask call to see if you are a candidate for PRP or Stem Cell Therapy. 

Degenerative Disc Disease PRP

Disks in the spine thin, resulting from damaged soft tissues that support the spine.  Until the supporting ligaments and tendons along the spine are repaired with regenerative injections patients will not heal, hence the reason chiropractic may feel good,, but back cracking can not fix the problem.  Start fixing your back now

Tennis Elbow PRP

Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) is pain at the outer elbow with repeated sports or work movements. PRP in studies has shown to have great results in tennis elbow injuries.

Plantar Fasciitis PRP

The plantar fascia is a large ligament found on the bottom of the foot, connecting the heel to the front of the foot and supports the foot arch. PRP or at times ozone only injections are used for plantar fascia, ankle, and foot injuries.

Wounds PRP

Wound healing comes from regenerative injections of PRP ,neural therapy, and ozone therapy. The concentrated platelets in PRP combined with ozone provide the building blocks to promote healing and repair. HBOT Oxygen Therapy is also used in wound healing.

Scar Reduction PRP

When scars form the skin fibers may not be smooth, making raised and unpleasant appearing scars.  PRP combined with ozone, neural therapy, and electric stimulation repairs collagen which reduces the pain and appearance of scars.

Is PRP Expensive?

While every patient is unique, PRP is more affordable than joint replacements that cost $4000 to $10000 (not including physical therapy, drug co-pays, and lost time at work costs) PRP is often also more cost effective for many patients compared to Stem Cell Therapy.  Our one of a kind PRP therapy is similar in price to other clinics that use inferior methods.  Call for details on pricing to see if you're a candidate for comprehensive PRP with ozone treatment.

Therapies used with PRP speeding entire body healing

"Most patients do Methylene Blue plus Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy alongside PRP"

In Depth on PRP Platelet-Rich Plasma

Platelet-rich plasma, known as PRP, is a blood component that contains proteins and other growth factors that promote healing and cell regeneration. Platelets are vital cells in the body’s natural healing process. In the body, they help control bleeding by causing blood to clot and help form stabilizing tissue after sustaining an injury while promoting the healing cascade. 

When plasma that is rich in platelets is separated from whole blood, it can be injected into the joints, soft tissues, face, scalp, and scars to trigger cellular regeneration, collagen formation, and reduce inflammation, leading to long term healing.  It is advised when having PRP therapy done to  reduce your number of caffeine drinks per day, limit alcohol, and no smoking cigerettes.

Want to Learn if you are a candidate for PRP therapy?


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