We commonly use regenerative treatments of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), ozone, and biologic injections for knees in clinic. Treatments correct the underlying cycle of pain and inflammation without steroids or surgery.
Knee pain results from an injury, such as football, volleyball, basketball, and pain worsens over time. Knee instability results from weak or torn ligaments and tendons. Not fixing these ligaments and tendons leads to unnecessary knee scopes and knee replacement surgery, or worse yet, corticosteroid injections that accelerate the current knee damage.
Traditional medicine for knee pain involves opioids, PT, and lastly surgery. After knee surgery comes more PT and hidden price tags. A study showed knee osteoarthritis in 65+ year olds cost $5,300 every year, plus loss of work costing another $4,600. Studies also show total knee replacement averages $20,000, and each year health insurance make patients pay more of the $20000.
At One Natural Health, we use treatments that signal the body to send stem cells to repair the bad knee.
Surgery carries risk of infection, failed knee replacement, new pains in hips and lower backs, plus thousands of dollars out of your pocket. At One Natural Health we help patients avoid knee scopes, knee replacements, and many patients who had knee surgery result in chronic pain. Our treatments require little to no downtime, where patients return to physical activity as soon as possible. Call today to discuss if you may be a candidate for treatment.
"I’ve ruptured an achilles tendon, had a hip replaced, and at age 67 I work out continuously, these treatments take down my inflammation immediately." - Daniel L.
This is not steroids and pain pills that mask your pain
This is not insurance controlled American sick care
This is not a How Long Does it Last Therapy. We Heal Patients
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