Knee Pain Treatment

Healing Knee Pain in Lincoln NE

Fixing bad knees is very common in our clinic. 

We perform multiple treatments, including oxygen ozone injections, platelet rich plasma (PRP), biologics, and dextrose (prolotherapy) injections.  Do you want to understand the secret to our patients' success?  We correct the underlying cause of pain including ACL tears or meniscus tears, knee injuries including damaged tendons and soft tissues, infection, and osteoarthritis.

Symptoms of Knee Instability and Knee Injury

  • Clicking, popping, catching with movement (Knee Crepitus)
  • Difficulty Walking and Bending the Knee to the Ground
  • Knee Pain
  • Swelling
  • Loss of Knee Motion
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Pain into the Hip and or Lower Leg
  • Loss of Muscle Strength

Knee pain results from an injury, such as football, volleyball, basketball, or it develops over time, with an increasingly stiff knee and swollen knee.  Knee instability is the result of weakness or tears in the ligaments and tendons in and surrounding the knee joint.  This instability is under diagnosed and mismanaged leading to unnecessary knee scopes and knee replacement surgery, or worse yet, corticosteroid injections that accelerate existing soft tissue damage if repeated injections are given. 

Treatments for Knee Pain

Regenerative injections stimulate healing at the site of injury.  Injections are dose and site specific signals for the body to send stem cells and white blood cells to the area to heal any existing damage from old injuries and developed arthritis.  During this time patients benefit from also adding topical agents, tylenol, prescription pain killers, alternative therapies, and physical therapy.  The sooner patients do regenerative injections after injury or arthritis develops the better results they achieve.  Patient with advanced arthritis or bone on bone knee pain also benefit from injections.

When to get treatment for knee pain

  1. Have trouble walking due to knee pain
  2. It hurst to flex or extend your knee
  3. You have a fever and knee pain
  4. Can't bear weight on the knee
  5. You leg gives out on you

Start Healing Your Knee Pain at One Natural Health Today, Sign Up Now!

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