Coffee Enema Benefits

Benefits of Coffee Enemas Explained

All About Coffee Enemas

By far the strongest and fastest at home detox therapy, coffee enema’s history started in the 1920’s helping terminal cancer patients with tumor pain! Today coffee enemas are vital for patients with co-infections including Late Stage Lyme Disease, Mold Toxicity, Viruses of EBV, HIV, HSV, Parasites, Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer, Pesticide/Glyphosate overload, Autism, Autoimmune, and others. Coffee enemas are for patients ready for a true liver detox, gallbladder cleanse and gallstone elimination, skyrocketing glutathione production, colonoscopy preparation, pain control, and improved health.

Health Benefits of a Coffee Enema

Detoxing heavy metals (chelation), intestinal, liver, and gallbladder cleansing, pain and inflammation reduction, glutathione production, parasite elimination, and treating leaky gut, IBS, reducing period pain, skin and more

What are the Benefits of a Coffee Enema?

  • Support the liver and gallbladder by stimulating bile release. Proper bile flow is critical for detoxification during disease and healing. 
  • Stimulate production of glutathione, a master antioxidant in the body. The special coffee used in coffee enemas contains two ingredients, cafestol palmitate and kahweol palmitate, which increase glutathione production in the liver and large intestines. Organic enema coffee is the only known source of these two compounds . 
  • Coffee enemas help with period pain by reducing histamines and toxins that increase menstrual pain.  Start coffee enemas before your period begins before pain and inflammation is severe.  Continue coffee enemas as needed when period pain worsens.
  • Aid the intestines with detoxification too. Our large intestines are workhorses in detoxification , and removal of food waste from the intestines frees energy resources in the body to heal and strengthen.
  • Coffee Enemas improve skin from the inside out over many weeks and months.  This is because the skin is the largest detoxifying organ in the body.  Removing toxins at the liver and intestines with coffee enemas leads to natural glowing skin that is youthful, hydrated, without the need for constant beauty products applied on the outside.
  • Boosting energy, reducing and stopping Herxheimer reactions in Lyme patients that happens with rapid healing in IV Ozone Therapy, decreasing pain, inflammation, and histamine production, and improving mood and depression. 
  • Provide aid to patients with IBS, Crohn’s, Constipation, Candida, and other intestinal issues

What Kind of Coffee do you Use for a Coffee Enema

After trialing many brands we first recommend PureLife Enema Coffee, start out with a 1 pound bag from Amazon.  For your first coffee enema use Medium Roast PureLife Enema Coffee.  The medium roast is more easier to retain and gentle on intestines making first coffee enema experiences better.


Coffee Enema Recipe - How to Make a Coffee Enema at Home

  • Bring to a boil 4 cups of filtered, distilled, or RO water, we do not recommend tap water
  • Add up to 4 TBS of organic enema coffee, for first time coffee enemas start with 1 TBS coffee and progress up as tolerated
  • Optional: Add 1 TBS organic molasses (helps with retaining the enema)
  • Steep enema water combination for 15 min
  • After steep place the coffee in enema bag/bucket, strain coffee grounds with a metal filter
  • Add 2 cups of filtered water to bucket or bag
  • Wait until it has cooled to near body temperature
  • Now you are ready to go!  Follow the below instructions

How to Do a Coffee Enema Instructions

  • Lay on your left side, though other positions are also fine.  First perform a separate small warm water enema before the coffee enema to remove fecal content which allows easier retention of the coffee enema
  • Place the tube inside your rectum between 2 to 6” . Less insertion length is okay though the tube is more prone to sliding out
  • Do not try to put too much in at once, this makes is hard to retain the enema.
  • When ready, place ½ to 1 ½ cup of the solution in and hold for up to 15 minutes. When the urge to release the enema presents expel it into the toilet.
  • Do another ½-1 ½ cup and repeat the process until you use the whole solution.
  • If doing regular enemas many people get used to doing half the solution or the entire amount all at once and retain it easily, which is paramount in Lyme, Mold, Autoimmune, and Cancer.
  • Some people can only handle ¼ cup of the solution at a time, which is ok.
  • Laying on your right side while you are retaining will help flush the liver/gallbladder more
  • If you want additional binders to chelate more heavy metals and toxins we recommend Chlorella 5 to 15 tabs per dose during enema work.
  • Most people feel better doing the coffee enema 2-3 times per week minimum while they are detoxing.  Overdoing coffee enemas can lead to electrolyte imbalances, stay hydrated, get mineral intake and healthy foods, and consult your provider always before starting. 
  • Do other supportive detox work, including drinking lemon water, high fiber foods, chlorella, ionic foot baths, infrared sauna, ozone therapy

What are the risks of coffee enema?

Coffee enemas are very safe generally. However, there are a few risks that you should be aware of. Some of the potential risks of coffee enema include:

  • Dehydration. Performing coffee enemas too frequently may result in a loss of vital electrolytes and fluids. Maintain adequate oral hydration. It is best to alternate coffee enemas with warm water enemas, doing only one or the other on a given day. Many patients prefer to only do coffee enemas once weekly in moderate disease states.
  • Intestinal wall tears or perforations. Over filling, or rough insertion of the enema tip can result in damage to the intestinal wall. Take care with insertion, do not use force and be mindful of rate of filling, amount of fluid and the frequency of performing coffee enemas.
  •   If pregnant don't do coffee enemas unless under the care of a qualified health provider.
  •   Other patients that warrant extra caution and special clearance from providers include those with cancer, UC, Crohn's, CKD, Rectal Prolapse, Electrolyte Imbalances, Severe Stomach Pain/Constipation/Diarrhea, Low Immunity, Bowel Obstruction, Cardiac, Lymph, or chronic health conditions

How often should you use coffee enemas?

How frequently you use coffee enema is very individualized. 

  • Generally well patients may only do a few coffee enemas per year, either spread out or during a stint of illness, toxicity, or injury, though they may enjoy doing more frequent coffee enemas
  • Patients with minor to moderate illness often do one to three coffee enemas per week during the healing process and later reduce to maintenance therapy
  • Severely ill patients Must work with a doctor that is familiar with coffee enemas, mineral balance, and detoxification pathways.  These patients often do multiple coffee enemas per week (in Lyme Disease), or as many needed enemas withinin a day in severe pain instances such as cancer (or inpatient settings)

Coffee Enema Summary

Coffee enemas are a superior treatment in the majority of the population with proper enema frequency, administration, and supportive therapies such as ozone.  Coffee enemas are a medical procedure so supervised care and safety are recommended before and after enemas. Consult with your medical provider before starting coffee enemas.  Happy detoxing!


Tags#  "COFFEE ENEMA", Coffee Enema Kit, Coffee Enemas, Enema Coffee, Coffee  Enema Benefits, What is a coffee enema, "How To Do A Coffee Enema", coffee enema near me, what is coffee enema, benefits of a coffee enema, How to do coffee enema, coffee enema how to, my strange addiction coffee enema, organic coffee enema, coffee enema instructions pdf, what does a coffee enema do, coffee enema glutathione, gerson coffee enema, dr max gerson, coffee enema for lyme disease, coffee enema for mold detox, coffee enema mold toxicity, max gerson therapy, max gerson coffee enema, lyme detox, lyme disease detox, "MOLD DETOX", "Detox Mold", how to detox mold, ozone therapy, eboo ozone therapy, 10 pass ozone therapy, EBO2 Therapy, Toxic Mold, mold symptoms,

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