Colloidal Silver Therapy

What Is Colloidal Silver Therapy?

Benefits of Colloidal Silver IV and Oral Treatments

What is Colloidal Silver Used For

Colloidal Silver is utilized as a treatment method for thousands of years across the globe. Historically, and even in the modern world, silver was utilized to keep liquids such as milk, wine and water in good condition and prevent the spread of plague, prevention communicable diseases, and cleaning food items and eating utensils such as forks, spoons, and knives. Colloidal silver is made with silver colloids, ionic silver, and silver proteins; where colloidal is the term used to describe the pieces of silver that do not dissolve, but are able to remain suspended in the liquid. Based on the condition it's treating, it can be applied topically, orally, via injection or directly sprayed into your nose, mouth, or on the tonsils. Here are some “Uses For Colloidal Silver” for you or your loved ones.

Silver treating Sickness and Conditions

Colloidal silver is antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial, which means it is able to combat common bacteria and viruses that cause nasal infections, pink eye, Late Stage Lyme Disease, pneumonia, ear infections, shingles, Autoimmune Disease, and an array of other diseases. The best part about the colloidal silver is that it does not cause any resistance to bacteria similar to the way that antibiotics will do, which means that bacteria are always responsive against this natural antibiotic in silver. The use of colloidal silver is able to help to prevent and treat infections when utilized properly. You can also use “Colloidal Silver For Ear Infections”.  Make sure you consult your provider before taking silver, and make sure that you are taking the proper dosage and dosage.  Adding copper in the proper dosage to colloidal silver helps to balance out silver ions in the body to maintain proper mineral homeostasis. Silver Healing Properties are too numerous to count, but besides the medical applications here a couple unknown colloidal silver applications.

Skin Care

Did you know that colloidal gold was utilized to treat wounds in WWI? It's effective when applied topically to scrapes, wounds and rashes as " colloidal silver stimulates healing in the skin and other soft tissues." It improves speed of healing and the time to recover by reducing swelling and ramping up the cell's recovery. It can not only help speed the healing process, but it also won't cause irritation or burning when applied to a cut, which is why all modern burn centers use silver infused wound dressings. It's not only good for accidents, colloidal silver is also used to treat skin ailments such as eczema and psoriasis. It is also even used to treat ringworm!


Many people are aware that not all human medications are suitable for our animal friends and it's essential to consult your vet prior to usaing any medication on your pet. If you do not want to invest the time and additional money by taking your pet to a veteranarian appointment and getting antibiotics that might not work for you, consider using colloidal silver. If your pet has an ear infection, cold or burn, a cut, or irritation/eye redness, consider colloidal silver. Since it isn't a fire hazard and is non-toxic, it can be sprayed directly to the problem area of your pet.

Colloidal Silver Side Effects and Precautions

Many want to know “Is Colloidal Silver Safe”.  Although using colloidal silver can provide many advantages, "studies have found that colloidal silver could accumulate in the body's tissues therefore it is essential to be cautious and avoid prolonged usage of colloidal silver since it could increase the high risk developing an argyria-like skin condition.. Argyria causes the nails, skin and gums to exhibit the appearance of a gray-black or bluish-gray-bluish color and is irreparable." Make sure you consult your provider prior to ingestion of colloidal silver. You can also try it on a small portion of your skin prior to applying it to the skin.  This is also why at One Natural Health we support balancing silver intake with medically therapeutic trace amounts of copper, where products from companies like Sovereign Silver Benefits from having a product with a mixture of both copper and silver, which may be superior to colloidal silver alone as copper also has antibacterial effects and health promotion in many diseases.

Choosing Your Colloidal Silver

Although colloidal silver is beneficial and can be used for many purposes, not all silver is created equal. It is important to understand what you're searching for when you purchase it to use in your body. There's Ionic silver, which is made up from silver ions. It is not generally recommended to make use of ionic silver, while it's a less expensive product to make, it will not the give the same benefits as colloidal forms of silver. There is also silver protein that manufacturers add gelatin to for the purpose of keeping large silver pieces suspended. It is another kind of silver that you should to stay clear of because it contains the larger silver particles. The larger the silver particle sizes are, the less your body is able to properly utilize it . You should look for colloidal silver that has not more than 10 parts per million which means that the silver particles are tiny and dense, but not so much that they cause an increased risk of toxicity. You should look for products that true colloidal silver that is listed as being almost 100% silver. They shouldn't contain additional additives or proteins.

The next time you are searching "flu home remedies" or "viral infection home remedies", consider colloidal silver as an alternative solution to antibiotics, but seek immediate medical attention if needed as alway. .



Prior to the invention of refrigerators, it was common practice to put a silver coin in milk containers as a preservative because silver is well known to stop the growth of bacteria, algae and other unwanted organisms. In ancient times, silver was used as a remedy for stopping the spread of infectious diseases. The use of it as a natural antibiotic continued up to the 1940s, which is when the introduction of modern antibiotics and big pharmaceutical companies and profits in medications were realized. 

Nowadays, clearly it isn't necessary to add silver coins into drinks to enjoy the benefits of colloidal silver (Milk has been made half dead with pasteurization and homogenization anyway). Yet you are likely wondering “What Is Colloidal Silver Good For”?  Silver has its place in the modern world in more ways than ever in the age of COVID, 5G EMF Radiation and humans decreased immune systems. Colloidal Silver helps eliminate bacteria in a safe and clean way and does not compromise our immune system the way antibiotics can do. It is a viable alternative to endless doses of antibiotics that are not able to tackle the issue and merely get us by for awhile.

Silver was largely removed from the market for medicinal products at the beginning of the 20th century because it was not able to be patentable, meaning it as difficult to claming it as a “Silver Medication”.  Even not as a medication, silver is known for its ability to eliminate super bugs for example, MRSA, and has been tested against 650 of the most common and exotic diseases and infections. 

The following eight proven methods to utilize silver have become an important topic of discussion in America since C-19. 

  1. Colloidal silver is not only extremely effective in treating bacteria infections, but is extremely effective in preventing the growth of resistant bacteria strains and controls them from mutating more.
  2. Skin health/wound care. Colloidal silver preparations are used in applications on the skin to treat burns, eczema, thrush, and psoriasis.
  3. Pink eye/ear infections. Colloidal silver can be utilized to take quick action against the extremely infective pink eye disease, whether caused by a bacteria or virus. It also aids in healing an ear infection, even if they are caused by fungus.
  4. The benefits of “silver colloidal'“ can be used as an anti-viral supportive care for HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, herpes, shingles, and warts. The reason for this is that colloidal silver works in reducing viral loads.
  5. Anti-inflammatory. Colloidal silver is a natural anti-inflammatory which can quickly reduce swelling and inflammation within the body or skin, reducing pain and increasing nutrient flow to tissues.
  6. Sinusitis. Silver can be beneficially used as nasal sprays, where it eliminates staph aureus as well as Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections which could directly cause allergies and sinusitis.
  7. Flu and cold. Colloidal silver accelerates recovery from flu and cold viruses with its ability to boost immunity.
  8. Whether used in a breathing treatment, ingested, or applied topically, silver works when antibiotics don't cut it.
  9. You can add to to your cup and make “Colloidal Silver Water” as a healthy general drink.

Colloidal silver must be used therapeutically for every situation. To reap the benefits of properly concentrated formulas (diluted) colloidal silver, it can may be applied as follows:

  • 2-5 drops are applied to the skin
  • 1 eyedropper, taken orally, for immune system support
  • 1-2 drops in the eyes to treat pink eye
  • A few drops can help to treat any small sore or wound by rubbing it on a band-aid
  • When prepared by trained medical providers, silver can be injected into a muscle (IM or intramuscular), into a tumor, or directly into the bloodstream (IV or intravenous)
  • 5-10 drops are able to be inserted vaginally or rectal administration
  •  5 drops added to a neti-pot, or directly sprayed in the nostrils

Synergistic Effects of Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent pairs wonderfully with other natural treatments such as IV Hyperbaric Ozone Therapy, EBOO IV Therapy, IV Therapy, UVBI “Blood Irradiation”, Vitamin C, Quantum Energy Healing, Glutathione, NAD, Methylene Blue, NAC (N-Acetyl L-Cysteine), Melatonin, Infrared Light, and many others. 


One Natural Health loves colloidal silver used on a as needed treatment for a variety of wounds, illnesses, or disease states.  Silver is more effective and efficient than the majority of conventional antibiotics.  Call Us today regarding colloidal silver benefits for you before taking.  We do not recommend taking any form of silver with first consulting a trained medical professional. 


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