Patients unable to provide the minimum donation offering can call our office to discuss qualifications for Good Friday care. If we are unable to answer leave a voicemail discussing your story and desire to join the Good Friday program
Note: Good Friday may possibly prescribe during our program for one time needed medications but this is not a prescription management program and it is not acting as your primary physician: Requests for these medical needs Are Not Accepted.
We reserve the right to choose the number of these appointments scheduled and adjust days / times with notice. We desire all Good Friday patients to offer a video testimonial review of their experience that may be shared by our company. Some patients may not qualify for Good Friday, call for details.
Disclaimer: The information provided is for general knowledge and is not a substitute for individual medical advice. Consult your provider before starting a medical program, or treatment. Any action you take upon the information within this content is strictly at your own risk. One Natural health is not liable for any damages or losses in connection with the content on this website or publications. By accepting our services you agree to our Medical Terms of Service and HIPAA practices. One Natural Health: Experts in regenerative medicine of PRP and Stem Cell Therapy.
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