One Natural Health treats causes of chronic disease and pain, as well as acute sickness and injury. Ozone gives the kickstart for the majority of patients. Supplementation is done as warranted, where less pills can be better, whether prescriptions or vitamins.
Treatments focus on transitioning from clinic therapies to empowering patient performed home therapies. For patients unable to commit to a reasonable treatment plan for their chronic disease or condition, we may not be a good fit for those patients. However, for patients that desire a path to re-gain health and strength in the years to come, we are your people.
Quantum Energy Healing blends new age technical and medical innovation with old-school energetic healing such as Reiki therapy, Native American, Japanese, and South American healing modalities. Click Here to learn more about Quantum Energy Healing in Office
Regenerative injections reduce pain, decrease inflammation, and oxygenate tissues locally to aid healing from injuries, treat arthritis, and build stronger joints. Platelet Rich Plasma , Stem Cells , ozone, procaine anesthetic and B Vitamins are the most pain free forms of regenerative injections currently available. We provide comprehensive injection sessions to ensure optimal accelerated healing for the patient. Click Here to learn more about regenerative injections.
Ozonated oil breathing therapy is for sinus and lung treatments, our unique delivery method of 60 minute sessions aids systemic body issues of circulation, pain, rheumatoid arthritis, and neuropathy. It is the simplest form of systemic ozone therapy available and safe for all patients. Click Here to learn more about Ozonated Oil Sessions as a cutting edge systemic ozone therapy for disease and optimal health.
Methylene Blue Therapy in oral and intravenous forms is combined with red light therapy, sunlight, and ultraviolet blood irradiaiton. It is a potent antioxidant in the body serving as a mitochondria primer in the cells to make energy, and antiviral and antibiotic, and mitigates stressors in the body to include disease, lack of oxygen, and even Alzheimer's and Dementia. It is also used in sports performance and antiaging medicine. Click Here to learn more about Methylene Blue Therapy.
High Dose EBOO Ozone Therapy and 10 Pass Ozone is an immune system regulator for autoimmune disease, neurodegeneration, Lyme Disease, Mold, and Chronic Illnesses. Its successfully used in cardiovascular disease, diabetes, autism, pain management, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and many more areas. We provide EBOO ozone IV, 10 Pass IV Ozone and over 20 pass ozone sessions! Click Here to Learn about 10 Pass Ozone and Click Here to learn about EBOO Ozone Therapy
Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO) is considered the highest dose ozone therapy known in the world. We pride being able to add Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation and Methylene Blue therapy with EBOO treatments when warranted or when patients want the most therapy for each visit. Note: This treatment requires two large venous catheters in opposite arms where refunds are not guaranteed and an alternative treatment will be recommended. Click Here to learn more about EBOO IV Ozone Therapy.
UVBI therapy inactivates viruses, bacteria, and other parasites from replicating and causing disease in the body. UVBI is efficient in increasing cellular energy production in the mitochondria while decreasing pain and inflammation in the body. It is one of medicine's few natural anti-viral and anti-bacterial treatments that used no chemicals, pharmaceuticals, or herbal mechanisms. Click Here to Learn More about UVBI.
We are here to empower you to a life with function and quality health. We make you the best version of you possible. Life is too short to spend sick, aching, and low on energy, make your appointment now.
As warranted we do other various IV Therapies. We have found that individualized B vitamin/mineral protocols combined with our Methylene Blue, UVBI and Ozone IV therapies gives patients great results without the need for Myer's Cocktails, Vitmamin C, or Glutathione IVs that are expensive compared to the results obtained.
Disclaimer: The information provided is for general knowledge and is not a substitute for individual medical advice. Consult your provider before starting a medical program, or treatment. Any action you take upon the information within this content is strictly at your own risk. One Natural health is not liable for any damages or losses in connection with the content on this website or publications. By accepting our services you agree to our Medical Terms of Service and HIPAA practices. One Natural Health: Experts in regenerative medicine of PRP and Stem Cell Therapy.
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