COPD Emphysema Asthma Ozone IV and Ozonated Oil Inhalation

COPD and Ozone Therapy

COPD, Emphysema, and asthma respond to IV ozone and ozonated olive oil inhalation therapy

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Asthma are two of the most common breathing issues that ozone therapy is great for.  Ozone breathed through an oil is safe and effective in reducing inflammation right where it is needed!   IV ozone treatments will also be needed for this advanced disease, and have amazing results in breathing etiologies when combined with local treatment with ozonated oil inhalations.

With advanced cases of COPD ozone therapy is about quality of life rather than improving the disease state, and costs vs benefits are carefully weighed to the individual patient.  We have found home ozone treatments improve quality of life for patients with extreme COPD significant.  Mild to moderate COPD on the other hand often does very well with ozone therapy.  Some other therapies for COPD and lung disease include UVBI (intravenous ultraviolet blood irradiation, silver therapy, methylene blue, and quantum energy healing.  


COPD is becoming widespread since decades of smoking and now vaping and issues with long COVID also have the population gasping for air at times or short of breath and fatigued. Emphysema is one form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) which is a chronic lung condition that progresses slowly and can make it difficult to breathe. Ozone therapy for COPD, Emphysema, and Asthma helps relieve inflammation, open airways, and retrain the immune system to the external environment, inhalants, allergens, pollens, and more. 

Overview of COPD

COPD is a category of lung disorders that affects millions of people and is among the most prevalent causes of deaths within America.

There are two forms of COPD which are chronic bronchitis and Emphysema. Both are caused by damaged lung tissues that lower the level of oxygen which circulates through the bloodstream.

Both kinds of COPD are similar. This is the reason it is important to talk with your provider to determine the most effective treatment strategy. Ozone therapy can be combined with traditional pulmonary treatments and has no contraindications when used in the proper dose and delivery method by trained medical staff.

What Happens to Your Lungs When You Have COPD?

The respiratory system is comprised of a set of organs and tissues that help you breathe. It consists of your nose, mouth as well as sinuses, throat, the trachea, bronchial tubes and the lungs. In healthy lungs, the airways and alveoli have enough flexibility to make enough space for the air that you breathe.

In emphysema the walls that separate the alveoli get damaged, causing the small bags to shrink and lose their balloon-like shape. The damaged alveoli decrease the space where oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange in the lungs. Then, breathing becomes extremely difficult, the patient is short of breath, and this can lead to further alveoli damage during acute breathing flares.

What Are the Common Causes of COPD?

COPD is typically caused by prolonged exposure to lung irritations. It is common in many nations involving cigarettes, smoke is the most common reason for COPD. Even plain tobacco and cigar smoke may trigger it as well.

Air pollution, chemical fumes or dusts may also trigger COPD and emphysema. Air pollution is made up of pollens, gases and mold spores that are suspended in the air. They can be found in and around buildings and may impact your health. If your home or workplace exposes you to airborne toxins, the chance of developing COPD is higher.

Finally, there are some "inherit" emphysema/COPD-causing genes called alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD). It is a protein that is produced by the liver that protects the lungs. If you suffer from AATD you're likely suffer from shortness of breath as well as wheezing. In the most severe cases, the patient could even require an organ transplant to be able to survive.

What Are the Common Symptoms of COPD?

COPD and emphysema manifests itself in the gradual loss of alveoli or air sacs, where the first symptoms of the disease do generally not show any signs.

The symptoms and signs of COPD usually take a while to manifest. When they do, symptoms are not severe and may be misinterpreted as things such as the common flu, cough, or allergies.

If the illness progresses the patient might suffer from frequent wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath and tightness in the chest region. Additionally, they may be afflicted with weight loss and muscular weakness, especially in the lower legs (i.e. ankles, feet, legs).

How to Diagnose COPD?

Smokers who have an COPD-related family history have a higher chance to contract this condition. This is the reason doctors frequently request your medical history and family history prior to when they conduct a physical exam.

We look at your breathing patterns as well as the effort needed when you're trying to breathe.

At times a chest x-ray helps determine the condition of your lungs. Images from x-rays can reveal whether there is an excessive inflation in the lung – which is an obvious sign of COPD.

Lastly getting an electrocardiogram is recommended in order to determine whether there are any issues that effect your ability to circulate blood and oxygen throughout your lungs.

Other tests include blood, sputum and genetic tests to determine if you have COPD. A few will also utilize a spirometer to determine the capacity of your lungs. A lung function test is an option to gauge the flow of air as you breathe.

Ozone Therapy for Emphysema

Ozone and high dose oxygen therapy skyrocket the blood oxygen levels and enable you to breathe easier, while also helping to prevent lung infections or pneumonia, as ozone has strong antiviral and antibacterial properties. 

Ozone therapy is applied to the body via ozonated oil inhalation through a nasal cannula or intravenously through a catheter in the arm for COPD. eventually cause death if not treated.


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