A cord is an energetic structure between two beings. In relationships, two attachments form, a soul tie is a positive cord connection between two people, and the second attachment is an energy or etheric cord. This cord contains negative connections between two people and and their subconscious minds. This cord is the one we cut.
When you cut a cord to someone, you cut it on your end and not theirs.
Some people feel when you cut a cord to them, especially if you already have a strong energetic connection with the person. They can feel the positivity and healing effects you begin to feel. This healing can be new and exciting, read about the 10 side effects of cord cutting here.
After the cord is cut, your behavior towards the person is different and they respond differently to you and the world. This creates a new dynamic which releases negative energy, resulting in positive ripples as you both operate in higher levels of vibration, positivity, and peace.
There is another energetic attachment that we can form to people, called a psychic tie. Often when we think we're cutting a negative cord, we’re actually cutting a psychic tie. Many self guided meditations take you through a process where you’re cutting a psychic tie, called ‘cord cutting’.
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