Twin Flame

What is a Twin Flame?

What's a Twin Flame?

I’ve been learning about energy healing, the quantum realm, and other mind expanding work in recent years, which guided me to ask the universe, What’s a twin flame?

The universe helped with the answer for me and it can help for you too… here’s a brief overview of twin flames.

Twin Flame Overview

When beings attain a certain level of consciousness or a higher frequency level in one life, the soul may split into two in order to come back to the Earth into a physical body.  This means that there are essentially two of ‘you’ roaming the earth at once. Both of you are, in a way, half the energy that you originally were in a former life.  The other half of your energy is your Twin Flame, and when the two of you cross paths or meet it is like you instantly feel whole again.

So, how does this apply to soul mates? Soul mates are cut from the same cloth in a general realm. Imagine a huge blanket of energy and your soul is formed out of that blanket. The other souls that come from the same blanket as you may be soulmates, whether they are friends, family or lovers.

A Twin Flame is when that single cut of blanket, that single soul begins getting bigger and bigger to the point where its ready to be cut itself into two different energies.

When two Twin Flame energies finally merge together, no matter how many cycles of reincarnation it takes, the cloth gets bigger and eventually forms new souls.  Think of it like a seed, spreading and creating more flowers as it germinates.  The energetic split does not happen to everyone. It only happens to those who have reached a certain frequency or level of consciousness.

In each “twin” there is a magnet that sort of attracts the two of you together (like attracts like), and you may meet at any time and any stage of your life journey.

When you come together, the relationship is very, very intense. This intensity is because you are not only dealing with the “baggage” in your own mind and body but you also have to deal with your baggage in another body.  This means that the two of you not only see yourself in each other, but you also see your opposite traits and flaws. Almost like looking into each other is like looking into a mirror.

To get an idea of how intense the relationship would be, think about all the baggage that you have to deal with in your own mind and in the container of your own body. Well, imagine having two of those containers- it’s like there is double or even quadruple the “baggage” to sort through.

Now, this doesn’t mean Twin Flame relationships won’t work. They can definitely work, and the two of you can definitely live together in harmony however, this is all dependent on whether the two of you have learnt to love yourselves first. Because essentially, your Twin flame is you.  When twin flame relationships don't work many try to cut the cord between the other half because it is such a strong pull to that person otherwise.  Cord Cutting does effect the other person, but is more or less only partially done in twin flame relationships due to the overwhelming connection.

Twin Flame relationships are usually romantic because there is an attraction on all levels, including a sexual attraction. Twin Flame relationships are usually male -female, though they can also be male-male and female-female and romantic or non-romantic.

Meeting Your Twin Flame

When you meet your Twin Flame, there is an instant feeling of “knowing” and connection that feels like its always been there. People might comment that you look alike or that you look “good together.” Often, the two of you will have very similar personalities and reflect the light and shadow sides of each other.  Sometimes you may not be able to recognize your Twin Flame, because you have not been able to regain the same level of consciousness you acquired before you split into two.

Twin flames in simplistic terms follows, when you live one lifetime understanding a higher frequency and higher vibration to a certain threshold, and suddenly you loose half of this power and come into physical form with half the energy or consciousness you had.

When a soul splits into two, it can manifest as quickly as the early childhood years: such as feeling out of place, like you don’t belong, frustrated about the world, and being highly inquisitive. You may even feel depressed or have an awakening early on. You may also have highly enlightened visions or thoughts at a young age, even if you were not exposed to it.

Being at a lower frequency or vibration and having to regain your “consciousness” is a challenge that you have to overcome this time around, and sometimes it can take multiple lifetimes in order to reach the stage that you were once at before being split into Twin Flames.

As soon as your Twin Flame is created, you enter Earth at the same time or within a few years of the other half of your Twin Flame. The only exception to this would be if you have had to reincarnate multiple times in order to properly connect with each other, which is why sometimes Twin Flames have a delay in identifying that they are Twin Flames, because it has been lifetimes since they were together.

If you have a Twin Flame you will come into contact with each other in every lifetime, regardless of your level of consciousness. However, whether the two of you can will have a relationship in this lifetime depends on your frequency and essentially how much you have learned to love yourself unconditionally.

Essentially it all comes back to self-love and love to the universe. Connecting and feeling love from the universe leads to love within, which is prime for a Twin Flame relationship to thrive. 

Learn how all souls and twin flames connect with the universe and can repair by clicking on Quantum Energy Healing.


Tags# Twin Flame, Twin Flame Meaning, What is a Twin Flame, twin flame vs soulmate, twin flame definition, finastrologer twin flame, twin flame test, soulmate vs twin flame, twin flame mgk, twin flame connection, twin flame stages, twin flame sexual, twin flame relationships, twin flame reunion,

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